The 21st Masonic District is served by three Officers Associations, each representing one of our constituent Counties. Minutes of our Officer Association meetings are posted in the Members Resources area as available.
Symbolic Lodge Officers Association (SLOA)
Summit County
- 2nd Saturday / Even Months
- Breakfast at 8:00 am
- Business at 9:00 am
WB Dale G. Ray III
New Franklin #803
WB William E. Thrasher
1st Vice President
National #568
WB Howard Mowry
2nd Vice President
Under Consideration
RWB Marc Osborn
National #568
Glenn Hartong
Secretary / Treasurer
Victory #649
Stark County Blue Lodge Association (SCBLA)
Stark County
- 2nd Saturday / Every Month
- Breakfast at 8:00 am
- Business at 9:00 am
Br. Lawrence Mullins
WB Eric Lautzenheiser
Secretary / Treasurer
Tuscarawas Masonic Blue Lodge Association (TMBLA)
Tuscarawas County
- 3rd Thursday / Every Month
- Business at 7:00 pm
Ray McClelland Sr.
Vice President
Ted Howenstine
Secretary / Treasurer