District Deputy Grand Masters (DDGM)

District Education Officers (DEO)

Wβ΄Bβ΄ Steven D. Prentiss
Steven was raised a Master Mason in National Lodge #568 in April 2016. He served as master of the lodge in 2023 when National was awarded best inspection, best lecture, and the G.M. Award for that year. He also served two years as President of Euclid's Problem Chapter of the Ohio Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association. Steven won the Traveling Man Award in 2018 and was recognized as #43 Master of the Craft in The Royal Scofield Society. Steven is an endowed member of the Lodge and serves as the vice president of the temple board, and has now been appointed to be a DEO for the 21st Masonic District. He enjoys raising money for different charities and looks forward to continuing his efforts to serve his brethren.
- Meridian Sun β 69
- Coventry-Akron β 83
- Star β 187
- Hudson β 510
- Ashlar β 639
- Victory β 649
District Advisor (DA)

Rβ΄Wβ΄Bβ΄ David M. Hopkins
RWB David M. Hopkins is a member of William H. Hoover Lodge #770, Canton Lodge #60, National Lodge #568, Grand Chapter Of Ohio Order Of The Eastern Star, and the AASR Valley of Canton. He is a past master of Hoover Lodge #770 and a past DDGM who is now serving as the 21st District's, District Advisor.